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Why Is My Grass Turning Brown? Causes and Solutions

nickpeplow real still of a garden with brown grass 73d16497 47c1 4d2d aa32 0e3c5bb48840 min Why Is My Grass Turning Brown? Causes and Solutions

If you’ve noticed your lawn turning brown, you may be wondering what’s causing the issue and how to bring your grass back to its lush green state. Brown grass can be caused by a variety of factors, from simply neglecting your lawn’s needs to complex soil issues. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind brown grass and explore the solutions you can pursue to revive your lawn.

Understanding Brown Grass

What is Brown Grass?

Brown grass is a symptom of a problem in your lawn, rather than a problem itself. Grass blades that have turned brown are often a sign that the grass is stressed and may even be dying. For the most part, brown grass is nothing more than an aesthetic issue, but it can point to a larger problem if left unaddressed.

The Natural Lifecycle of Grass

It’s important to remember that grass, like all living things, has a natural lifecycle and will go through periods of growth, rest, and decline. During the winter months, grass can go dormant and appear brown or yellow. This is a natural process and doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem, though it’s important to provide proper care to support grass during this time to help it weather the winter and return to its vibrant green come spring.

Common Causes of Brown Grass

Drought and Watering Issues

Drought and watering issues are some of the most common causes of brown grass. If your lawn isn’t getting enough water, whether due to lack of rainfall or insufficient watering, the grass will become parched and turn brown as it tries to conserve moisture. On the other hand, overwatering your lawn can lead to root rot, which can also cause brown grass.

Soil Compaction and Aeration Problems

Soil compaction occurs when the soil becomes too dense, making it difficult for grass roots to penetrate and access nutrients. When this happens, grass can’t get the oxygen and water it needs, leading to brown spots. Aeration can help alleviate this issue by creating small holes throughout your lawn, allowing water, air, and nutrients to penetrate the soil and support strong, healthy grass roots.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Like all plants, grass needs a variety of nutrients to grow and thrive. If your lawn is deficient in certain nutrients, such as nitrogen or iron, it may develop brown patches or overall discoloration. Soil testing can help you determine which nutrients your lawn needs and which fertilizers to apply to restore its health.

Lawn Diseases and Pests

A variety of pests and diseases can afflict your lawn, leading to brown patches or overall discoloration. Common culprits include grubs, fungi, and pests like chinch bugs or armyworms. Identifying the pest or disease is crucial to properly treating the issue and restoring your lawn.

Over-fertilization and Chemical Burns

While fertilizer is important for promoting healthy grass growth, over-fertilization can lead to burnt, brown grass. Using too much fertilizer or applying it at the wrong time can cause the grass to become stressed and turn brown. Additionally, chemical burns from pesticides or herbicides can also cause brown spots or discoloration in your grass.

Thatch Buildup

Thatch buildup occurs when dead grass and other organic matter accumulate on the surface of your lawn, creating a thick layer that can prevent water and nutrients from reaching grass roots. Thatch buildup can lead to brown spots on your lawn and prevent healthy growth. Dethatching your lawn can help alleviate this issue and restore healthy growth to your grass.

Identifying the Cause of Your Brown Grass

Examining Your Lawn’s Symptoms

The first step in identifying the cause of brown grass is to examine your lawn’s symptoms. Take note of any brown spots or discoloration, and consider the timing of these symptoms. Have you recently made changes to your lawn care routine, such as cutting your grass too short or applying too much fertilizer? Examining these details can help you pinpoint the issue and take steps to address it.

Conducting a Soil Test

Conducting a soil test can help you determine whether your soil is lacking in certain nutrients or experiencing pH issues. Many garden centers offer soil testing kits, or you can hire a professional lawn care service to conduct the test and recommend solutions.

Consulting a Lawn Care Professional

If you’re having trouble identifying the cause of your brown grass or aren’t sure how to address the issue, consider consulting a lawn care professional. Lawn care experts can examine your lawn and provide guidance on proper care techniques and treatments to help your grass thrive.

Solutions for Reviving Brown Grass

Adjusting Your Watering Routine

If your brown grass is caused by drought or watering issues, adjusting your watering routine can help restore your lawn’s health. Aim to water your lawn deeply and infrequently, rather than providing frequent, shallow waterings that can encourage shallow root growth.

Improving Soil Aeration and Reducing Compaction

If your soil is compacted or lacking in aeration, improving soil conditions can help your grass thrive. Aeration and dethatching can help break up soil compaction and promote healthy root growth, while amending your soil with organic matter can improve soil structure and drainage.

Balancing Soil Nutrients

If your soil is lacking in certain nutrients, balancing soil nutrients can help to restore your lawn’s health. Applying a targeted fertilizer or soil amendment can help replenish missing nutrients and restore your grass to its lush green state.

Treating Lawn Diseases and Pests

If your brown grass is caused by pests or diseases, treating the underlying issue is crucial to restoring your lawn’s health. Consult a lawn care professional to identify the pest or disease and develop an effective treatment plan using targeted fungicides or insecticides.

Proper Fertilization Techniques

Applying fertilizer correctly is crucial to promoting healthy grass growth and avoiding over-fertilization. Follow recommended feeding schedules and use a slow-release fertilizer to avoid burning your grass.

Removing Thatch Buildup

If your lawn is experiencing thatch buildup, dethatching can help remove the dead organic matter and promote healthy grass growth. You can rent a dethatching machine or hire a lawn care professional to take care of the job.


Whether your brown grass is caused by watering issues, soil compaction, nutrient deficiencies, pests or diseases, or a combination of factors, identifying and addressing the underlying issues is crucial to restoring your lawn’s health. By taking proactive steps to improve your lawn’s conditions, you can revive brown, patchy grass and enjoy a lush, green lawn for seasons to come.